Department of Forensic Odontology

Department of Forensic Odontology

Beginning January 2006, the college commenced setting up an exclusive Department of Forensic Ontology—the first of its kind in India. It began with the procurement of basic equipment spanning four years across 2006 and 2009, and included renovation and expansion in 2008. In December 2008, the college made an application to the State Government for recognition as a State Referral Center for forensic dental cases. Considering no other such facility in the state (or the country), recognizing the growing importance of this field, and following numerous scrutiny—including a visit by governmental representatives—the college was recognized as a State Referral Center in October 2010 . This paves the way for the government to utilize facilities in the private sector for the benefit of public.

Forensic Casework Consultation
The department has seen a steady rise in forensic consultations and cases referred—by the police, district administrative authorities, and private citizens—include age-at-death estimation, sex identification of skeletal remains, ageing children and adolescents, bite mark investigation and other identification-related queries.